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Lean manufacturing. Value stream mapping with colorful stickers. Business data analysis..j


Value Stream Mapping

With Value Stream Mapping, we aim to reveal all the problems by considering the entire process from the entry of the raw material to the customer in your facility in detail.

We aim for success by presenting all of our bottleneck analyzes, quality solutions at the source, mechanical and innovative solutions to you.

OpEx advisors are waiting for you

You are in the right place for OpEx (Operational Excellence) consultants! As KPI ACADEMY, we offer customized consulting services for businesses to optimize their operational processes and increase their level of excellence. Our expert OpEx consultants offer strategic solutions to increase the efficiency of businesses, reduce waste, reduce costs and gain competitive advantage. Working with our OpEx consultants, you can analyze your business processes, identify opportunities for improvement and target operational excellence.

We are waiting for you!

The basic steps of Value Stream Mapping are:

  • Identifying Value Added Steps

In the first step, the value-adding steps of the business are determined. These are the steps that add value to the customer and change the shape, form or function of the product or service.

  • Identifying Non-Value Adding Steps

Steps that do not add value are also detected. These are the steps in the process that require time, resources or costs but do not add value or make a difference to the customer. These steps represent waste and point to opportunities for improvement.

  • Mapping the Value Stream

After identifying the value-adding and non-value-added steps, the business's value stream is visualized on a map. The map, where material and information flows, workstations, waiting times and stock are visualized, gives businesses a complete picture of their processes.

  • Identifying Waste and Uncovering Remediation Opportunities

Wastes are identified on the Value Stream Map and opportunities for improvement are analyzed. Identifying waste shows inefficiencies and waste in processes, while opportunities for improvement are suggested to provide a more efficient and streamlined value stream.n stands for steps.

What We Do

With VSM analysis, we minimize waste by ensuring that businesses use their resources in the most effective way. We identify problems in business processes and offer permanent solutions by performing root cause analysis.

With our VSM studies, we enable businesses to respond to customer demands faster and more accurately, shorten delivery times and raise quality standards.

With our expert consultants in our team, we adapt and apply the VSM methodology specifically for your business. We determine the right strategies to maximize efficiency increase and profitability in your business processes.

As KPI ACADEMY, we offer comprehensive consultancy and training services on VSM for businesses to achieve operational excellence and gain sustainable competitive advantage.

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